Church Staff

Russ Bradley
Senior Pastor

Mary Ledbetter
Youth and Children’s Director

Melody Bradley
Music Director

Jennifer Burnette
Church Secretary
Our Values:
- Biblical Authority – our foundation in faith and life
- Unity – one faith, one mission
- Passion for People – loving, seeking, sharing, caring
- Spiritual Growth – growing to the next level
- Ownership – everyone involved as shareholders in the Kingdom
Exalting the Lord:
Giving God glory both through Sunday worship services as well as through daily submission to His will.
Edifying the Saints:
Building up God’s people through Biblical instruction, fervent fellowship and compassionate service.
Evangelizing the Lost:
Presenting the gospel to those without Christ, both in our community and around the world.
New Hope Baptist Church has the honor of connecting people to God, Jesus Christ, and to one another in a loving and caring setting from Earl, NC to the ends of the earth.
Cleveland County, NC
- North Carolina
- Mississippi
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Kentucky
- Texas
- Honduras
- Nicaragua
- Belize
- Turkey
- Mexico

When was the last time you offered a helping hand? Service is a big part of the Christian doctrine. We shall never forget how the Lamb of God sacrificed His life and paved the path so that we could be saved. At New Hope Baptist Church, we provide opportunities for our members to serve through various ministries. The power of our community is demonstrated by our desire to serve others. What gifts and abilities can you give to the Kingdom of God?
Contact us to find where you can fit in.
Our History
New Hope Baptist Church began with humble beginnings at its founding in 1874. With no church in the small village of Earl, records show that Earl School asked Rev. Thomas Dixon and elders of Buffalo Church in South Carolina to help with the organization. This came a week after a “brush arbor” revival on the ground occupied by the present church.
There were fifty converts from this revival and others from nearby churches brought their letters of membership, making 161 charter members. The name “New Hope” was chosen because it represented the feelings of the band of new converts.
A 40′ x 50′ one-room structure was built in 1874 and served the church until 1913. In that year, a new church building was begun beside the cemetery. Following dedication in 1917, this building served the church until the early 1950’s.
New Hope called John Farrar as its first full-time pastor in 1950 and built a parsonage that same year.
The current church building, with a 400-seat sanctuary and 35 classrooms was occupied on August 1, 1954. The church purchased the adjoining Earl School property in 1968 after the school closed. The former lunchroom served as church fellowship building until a new one was built in 2001 and still serves as a pre-school.
In August 1999, New Hope celebrated 125 years of service for our Lord and Savior. During this commemoration, the church had a “brush arbor” service that reminded those in attendance of a time long ago when New Hope was begun.
Since the turn of the century, New Hope has seen many changes. Rev. David Gordon led the church as pastor for 25 years from 1980 until his retirement in 2005. During this time, a new fellowship building, “The Hope Center,” opened in 2001.
Rev. Russ Bradley served as youth director under Rev. Gordon and was chosen to replace him as pastor upon his retirement. Rev. Bradley continues to serve the church as pastor, while his wife Melody serves as music director. Other staff members: Mary Ledbetter leads the youth and children as their Student Pastor; Kathryn McCurry has served more than 50 years as church secretary.
In 2010 New Hope renovated the church’s educational wing and office spaces. In 2016 the gym and youth room was renovated.
What an appropriate name chosen by those fifty converts under that “brush arbor”1874. “New Hope,” that same promise is still available to us today because of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In Him, we find a new life, a new beginning and a new hope.